Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Of course!  The devil wants to derail everything, cause anxiety, and fear.  Jake is going through a rough patch.....elevated blood pressure and chest pains.  As one of the biggest changes in my life approaches, I will not be discouraged by this assault.  I am believing God for Jake's health and finding the right way to take care of himself.

I sent Jake this today....Let not your heart be troubled: trust in God.  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14 and 27.  I also encouraged him with the words that healing is available, just believe.


Working on timeline least in my head.  It is beginning to take shape, this mission of getting everything ready - this mission of dismantling my life.  Can you imagine????  Everything has to go somewhere.  Every piece of silverware, every piece of furniture, EVERYTHING!  Sell - give away - store - throw away.  I always told my kids when facing a big job, just take it one bite at a time.  Now I get to put that in practice.

It is raining here today and I love the weather.  Very dark and beautiful!  It fits my mood, the sound of thunder, the rain, and darkness.  No, not a dark mood, but a somber mood, one of seriousness.  The weekend my mother died was like this and May always brings memories of her.  So perhaps there is an underlying layer of sadness.

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